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Great God we call to you for love
Great God we call to you for love
by Andrew Pratt
Great God we call to you for love to hold us through the night, to shield us from the words that speak of ridicule or spite. Oh gracious God remove the guilt that binds us to the past, that then forgiven, loved and free we’ll know your grace can last. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: NATI
Here is hope in desolation
Here is hope in desolation
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Romans 5: 1 – 11 Hymn: Here is hope in desolation Here is hope in desolation: pain that speaks of sacrifice bringing deeper faith among us, mirrored God, embodied Christ. Here within this turmoil, testing, every sinew of God’s grace stretched in tension, peace
Here the herald calls the nations
Here the herald calls the nations
by Andrew Pratt
Here the herald calls the nations, pointing to the path to peace, making clear the way for God-head, bringing freedom and release. Hear the word that he is preaching, ‘turn again toward God’s way’. See the Lord of life is coming, greet the Lord’s expected day. Verse 3 follows Tun
How can we live at one with God
How can we live at one with God
by Andrew Pratt
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Year A Education Sunday Hymn: How can we live at one with God How can we live at one with God, inspired by Christ the living Word, infused with all the Spirit’s power when life is twisted and absurd... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © Stainer & Bel
How can we look, and not be moved
How can we look, and not be moved
by Andrew Pratt
1 How can we look, and not be moved by lives that end and eyes that plead, where parents cry while families part amid their last despairing need. 2 Once we were distanced from the ones that suffered while we stood to stare. God give the gift of empathy that we might offer more th
Hymn: Beyond imagination
Hymn: Beyond imagination
by Andrew Pratt
Beyond imagination, a sacrifice of grace: the Godhead seems diminished, one of the human race. Now humbled for a lifetime to share our human breath, and once the task was finished to suffer human death. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: PASSION CHORALE Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 17
Hymn: Like feathers on the wind
Hymn: Like feathers on the wind
by Andrew Pratt
Like feathers on the wind our words can lose their way, a loosened tongue, as much as arms, is in the devil's pay. We need a listening ear, a slowness when we act, before we judge, the time to sift the rumour from the fact. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: GARELOCHSIDE; POTSDAM Metre: SM
Hymn: Rejoice! Rejoice! Again I say rejoice!
Hymn: Rejoice! Rejoice! Again I say rejoice!
by Andrew Pratt
Rejoice! Rejoice! Again I say rejoice! Our God is near, it's time to make our choice, in gentleness and purposeful in grace, to share God's love in every time and place. Rejoice! Rejoice! Again I say rejoice! Put fear aside, let prayer inspire each voice. This is the gift that ea
Hymn: Through Your grace and mercy, cared for
Hymn: Through Your grace and mercy, cared for
by Andrew Pratt
Through Your grace and mercy, cared for, lives and spirits now made whole, here where praise for years ascended, God receive, confirm, console. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: CROSS OF JESUS; LOVE DIVINE (Stsiner) Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/9/2012 Stainer & Bell
Hymn: We each hold within us a trace of the God-head
Hymn: We each hold within us a trace of the God-head
by Andrew Pratt
We each hold within us a trace of the God-head, the grace of forgiveness, the power to plead; the crisis before us the choice and the challenge: to cultivate hatred or nurture love’s seed. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ST CATHERINE’S COURT Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948)
Hymn: You, Lord, are all we have
Hymn: You, Lord, are all we have
by Andrew Pratt
You, Lord, are all we have, You give us all we need. What lies ahead is in your hands, your love informs our creed. A creed of hope and care in which we feel secure, born of a faith that's tested, tried, a faith that is mature. Verse 3 follows Tune: FRANCONIA, POTSDAM Metre: SM
Let peace and kisses crown your brow
Let peace and kisses crown your brow
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Let peace and kisses crown your brow Trinity Sunday Year A 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 Let peace and kisses crown your brow and love surround your life. Let everyone be reconciled and put an end to strife. Build up each other in the faith and let your joy be one.. Tune: LUCIUS
Let's make the good news clear
Let's make the good news clear
by Andrew Pratt
Let's make the good news clear, and holding nothing back, proclaim God's love without reserve in thought and word and act. Then all will be unveiled, and when they know that grace, the people who have felt that word will know love face to face. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: FRANCONIA
Let all creation dance and sing
Let all creation dance and sing
by Andrew Pratt
Let all creation dance and sing, praises through all creation ring: alleluia, alleluia! Here in this present time and place, sing of God's mercy, love and grace: alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Verses 2-3 follow Tune: LASST UNS ERFREUEN Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words ©
No magic, but a simple need
No magic, but a simple need
by Andrew Pratt
No magic, but a simple need was met when Jesus joined a feast, a wedding was well underway until the wine ran low, then ceased. While Jesus never looked for fame his mother called him to her side to ask that he would help them out, assuming grace would now provide. He wasn't such
Over mountains, through the valleys
Over mountains, through the valleys
by Andrew Pratt
Over mountains, through the valleys let the voice of God be heard, singing, crying in a language often vivid or absurd. God translate your message for us, so that we might understand all your heights of grace and glory, as we worship hand in hand. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: CROSS OF
LWPT Meditations - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C